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Available Online

Enhancing Relational Awareness & Skills

An introduction to CAT-informed theory & tools for relational formulation & reflection in practice

Starts Feb 24
From 634 Australian dollars
In Dialogue Practice

Available spots

Service Description

When we understand ‘the self’ as a relational, multi-dimensional being, we build capacity to see ourselves and others more fully. Cognitive Analytic Therapy offers a way to identify relational patterns and reflect on our interactions in the moment. It brings into awareness the role of past relationships and how these can lead to relational pushes and pulls that shape our experiences, choices and actions in the present. This module introduces participants to these key ideas and accessible methods to enrich relational practice and reflection skills. By building relational awareness and having a means to visualise it in action, we gain more insight and options to respond, rather than just react or repeat unhelpful patterns in practice. This training includes: • 2 hours of pre workshop on demand video and learning materials • 2 days of live workshops that can be attended in person or via zoom video link. Workshops emphasise experiential, problem based learning activities and discussion. You will learn: • integrated theories of development and relational formulation from Cognitive Analytic Therapy • skills to identify and reflect on relational patterns emerging in practice • a mapping technique to visually explore relational experiences, and how these can influence or highlight presenting problems, practices and solutions. Who should attend? • helping professionals working in direct practice roles with adolescents and adults who have an interest and readiness to enhance reflective, relational and therapeutic skills • Please Note: If you have attended “Relate and Reflect 1 or 2 day introductory team training”, the didactic material presented in this module will be familiar to you

Upcoming Sessions

Contact Details

  • 208 Sydney Road, Brunswick VIC, Australia

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